The latest set of updates for Autodesk Inventor include added functionality to sheet formats and iLogic drawing automation.  Hopefully, you have already been using your own custom sheet formats.  I’m sure you have at least been using a custom border with your company’s info.  They can do so much more and can now be automated in more ways.

Autodesk added the sheet formats to the drawing creation dialog window so it will help you create new drawings more quickly.  When you are starting a new drawing file that uses one of your custom sheet formats, they added previews to the “Create New File” dialog box that previews the new drawing with the part you have selected.

They added functionality to iLogic to further automate your drawing creation that allow you to add dimensions and notes using iLogic code.  Once you name a surface, you can code a dimension to it.  It is a bit more in depth than that, but that is my very brief explanation.  What I really thought was cool was that they have even added ways to adjust your paperspace spacing.  It is pretty amazing when they show it in their video.

I’m sure it took some time to put together what they used in the video, but I’m sure that once you get started, you will get there more quickly than you think.  I can’t wait to start playing with the new code.  I hopes this gets you curious enough to start playing with new sheet formats yourself.

Click here to see their video.