Just incase you are experiencing difficulties accessing or working in the Autodesk BIM 360 Doc’s, Field, Fusion and other Cloud Worksharing apps you might not be the only one having issues.

We received email notices from Autodesk that BIM 360 (parts) are experiencing degradation and may cause some users issues until Autodesk resolves these items. (listed below)

-BIM 360 Docs is currently degraded. Service is intermediately fully down.  We are aware of this problem and are working to resolve this as quickly as possible.

We will provide updates until the issue is resolved.  If you have any questions, please contact [customer support].

-BIM 360 Field Management is currently degraded. Service is intermediatley fully down.  We are aware of this problem and are working to resolve this as quickly as possible. 

We will provide updates until the issue is resolved.  If you have any questions, please contact [customer support].

You can check the status yourself anytime here (Autodesk Health Dashboard)

We will keep you updated on this situation as we receive updates ourselves.


UPDATE 4pm CST: BIM 360 Doc’s and Field seems to be up and running, but Fusion seems to have some degradation remaining for now.