Are you an avid user of Autodesk software, striving to make your digital design experience even better? Do you have innovative ideas that could revolutionize how these tools work?  Just super annoyed with the lack of a function you think should exist? If your answer is yes, then you’re in the right place! Autodesk Community Forums are not just a platform for troubleshooting; they’re also your gateway to submitting and shaping ideas for Autodesk products.

The Power of Autodesk Community Forums

Autodesk Community Forums serve as a hub for users across the globe. Whether you’re a novice, an expert, or somewhere in between, these forums offer a space for you to interact with like-minded professionals, seek advice, and, most importantly, share your ideas. Here’s how you can make the most of them:

Join the Conversation:

The first step is to become an active member of the Autodesk Community. Sign up for an account, introduce yourself, and start engaging in discussions. This will give you access to the forums where you can participate in discussions, ask questions, and start sharing your ideas.  The more you participate, the more you’ll understand the community dynamics and the software you’re using.

Search for Similar Ideas:

Before presenting your idea, search the forums to see if someone has already proposed something similar. If you find a relevant thread, join the discussion, and lend your insights or vote for the idea if it resonates with you.

Crafting Your Idea:

If you can’t find a similar idea, it’s time to craft your proposal. Be clear and concise. Start by defining the problem you want to solve or the enhancement you’d like to see. Then, outline your proposed solution or feature.

Gather Feedback:

Before submitting your idea to Autodesk, share it with the community to gather feedback. This helps refine your proposal and may even attract endorsements from other users.  Follow up with those same users and make sure they like your idea submission so it can gain more traction after you’ve submitted it!

Promote Your Idea:

Share your idea on social media, with colleagues, and in relevant user groups to gather more votes and support. Sometimes, Autodesk may prioritize ideas that have a significant following.

Submitting Your Idea to Autodesk

So, you’ve crafted a well-thought-out idea, engaged with the community, and garnered support. What’s next? Autodesk provides a dedicated platform for idea submission:

Once you’ve honed your idea with community input and feel it’s ready for consideration by Autodesk, follow these steps to submit it:

Autodesk Ideas Community

Visit the Autodesk Ideas. This platform is where Autodesk officially collects and evaluates user-generated ideas. You can browse existing ideas, search for your idea to avoid duplication, or submit a new one.

Articulate Your Idea Clearly:

When formulating your suggestion, be as clear and concise as possible. Explain the problem you’re addressing, your proposed solution, and the potential benefits it brings to users.  Include any additional pictures or files that can be useful to show your idea as well.

Check for Duplicates:

Before submitting your idea, use the forum’s search function to ensure no one else has already proposed a similar idea. If you find a similar suggestion, it’s a good practice to contribute to that thread instead of creating a duplicate, this can help push that suggestion further up the line of implementation! 

Track Progress:

Once your idea is submitted, you can track its progress on the Ideas Community platform. Autodesk may provide updates, seek further feedback, or even mark an idea as “Under Review” or “Implemented.”

Post Your Idea:

Compose your idea submission within the Autodesk Ideas (previously IdeaStation), adhering to any specific guidelines or formats provided by Autodesk. Attach supporting documentation or images if necessary.

Engage with Supporters: Encourage other users to support your idea by sharing it in the forums, social media, or Autodesk user groups. The more support your idea garners, the higher its chances of getting noticed.

Stay Informed:

Keep an eye on your idea’s status. Autodesk may provide updates, request more information, or indicate whether they’ve accepted, rejected, or implemented the idea.

Be Patient and Persistent:

Understand that the adoption process can take time, and not all ideas will be accepted. Continue participating in the community and refining your ideas for future submissions.

The Future in Your Hands

Autodesk Community Forums offer a remarkable opportunity for users to not only seek assistance but also contribute to the improvement of Autodesk software. By actively engaging in discussions, gathering feedback, and submitting your ideas through the proper channels, you can play a vital role in shaping the future of Autodesk’s software offerings. So, go ahead, share your innovative solutions, and be a part of the Autodesk software evolution!

So, start engaging, sharing, and submitting your ideas today. Who knows, your idea might be the next big thing in Autodesk software, improving the workflow for countless users around the world. Together, we’re building a stronger, more efficient design future!


Talk To Me Goose

Feel free to let us know the good, the bad and the ugly in the comments below!

We’d love to help you learn more about how these tools can simplify and support your workflow!  Reach out to us here and we can chat about your needs, company needs, or the classes we offer along with any customized training we might be able to guide you through and strengthen your business.

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