ACTION REQUIRED: BIM 360 and ACC Mobile Apps Updates

As of 8/23/23, Autodesk has announce some upcoming changes to their mobile apps for Autodesk Construction Cloud and BIM 360. These changes primarily involve retiring support for a couple older versions of their mobile apps. This is generally done so Autodesk can focus on the current versions and provide the best support and user-experience possible. Let’s take a look at these changes and what they will mean to you and your team members.

Autodesk Construction Cloud iOS and Android v7.3

On September 5th of 2023, the apps for Autodesk Construction Cloud iOS and Android v7.3 (including older versions) will be retired. For this app, version 7.11.1 is currently available in the app store.

BIM 360 Android v2.93

Also, as part of this retiring process, BIM 360 Android v2.93 (including previous versions) will also be retired on 9/5/2023. For this app, version 2.93.1 is already available in the Google Play store. BIM 360 for iOS is currently in version 2.95.1 and is only available for iPad and iPhone in the App Store.

As of September 5th, any team members using these retired versions will begin to receive a prompt which will require them to install an update to the apps. It will be important to coordinate with team members, as well as project admins and IT departments, to ensure all members of a project are utilizing the latest versions of the iOS and Android mobile apps for Autodesk Construction Cloud and BIM 360.

Autodesk also recommends that project team members regularly upload any unsaved information as a best practice. They also underscore the importance of uploading unsaved information in regard to BIM 360 and that this be done before downloading any app updates. This will ensure that the most recent data is captured prior to updating the app. Of course, it is also a good idea to go ahead and update these before the deadline. Especially since the new versions of these apps are already available in their respective app stores.

As always, Autodesk encourages you to contact their Support Team if any questions/problems arise. Also, feel free to email [email protected] to contact our team if you have any concerns as well.

Thanks for reading and have a great day!
