If you’ve started experiencing slow response in the File menu tab of Revit the below can help speed file menu and file access faster.

First we need to get to the version of Revit that is causing issues (this might be multiple versions and the below steps will need to be completed for each version)

Lets go to the following path: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit <version>










Now lets open the Revit ini file using Notepad


























Once we get the Revit ini file open, scroll to the bottom and find Recent Files and Recent Workset Lists


























Lets delete everything listed under Recent Files and Recent Workset Lists (keep the headers like you see in the image above)

Now, lets save and close the Revit ini file then restart the Revit version. It can take a minute for Revit to open up and get things refreshed, but you should notice a speed increase in using your File menu tab and opening files.